Children’s Fantasies  by  Roger Townsend

Children’s Fantasies

Miss Lesley stood in front of her class of seven-year olds.

Your homework was to see if you could invent something or think of a way to improve our lives. Who has risen to the challenge?

A few hands went up.

Mmm. Not many of you. Steven, you first.

A rather studious boy stood up. Well Miss, I think it would be good if we all learn things quicker.

And how do you think we could do that?

Well, if we could pick up a sort of small box, push a button, and get the answer to a question.

Really, Steven, this is a bit farfetched for 1911.

Carol, you next.

A tall thin girl stood up.

I would like to be able not to have to cook when I get older,

And how do you think you are going to do that?

 I am going to use a telephone, ring someone up, and they will bring food to my house.

Don’t be ridiculous, Miss Lesley said. Who on earth is going to do that? Robert. You next.

I am going to save the world.

Oh! And how may I ask are you going to do that?

By inventing a weapon so scary that no one will want to use it so there will be no more wars.

Very commendable, but what if someone does use it?

Well when they see how many people it will kill. Definitely no one will use it after that.

Robert Oppenheimer, go and stand in the corner. What a horrible thing to say. How can you think of such a thing?